Thursday, May 23, 2024


I'm learning all the notes of the flute with a video without a flute here.

Andre Rieu

Andre Rieu accepts people other than me who don't even tolerate him.  I get in trouble for no reason, and here he comes! sauntering back to other people like I don' have s*x.

YouTube - Music


He he he

Andre Rieu doesn't realize how bad most people have it..

When I Have Money


Saving All My Money

for Food




1st 2 Songs


1st 2 songs


1st 2 songs

Florida vs. New Orleans

Florida is more open than a lot of the New Orleans area people are that you see on reality TV etc.


The 1st Song


I just went on the sitting stair bike at the nursing home for half an hour again.

Ear Surgery

I cleaned both ears and they had a lot of wax and bled for the first time but not a lot piled up and hard and dark.  They bled, I think, near and at the end.  I was surprised, but I forgot to clean them usually when I wanted to like every time I bathe.


I know I like the overture and maybe parts of the first song, the main theme.  I did play in this musical!


I want to play flute for musical theater.  I have a flute and piccolo at home.