Wednesday, April 17, 2024


I did floor exercise for 1/2 hour: weight loss beginner yoga, sitting easy yoga stretch, and beginning 6 pack.

Old Photo of Me

added to Facebook album


Eating Habits

I ordered non-chain pizza today and was worried I wouldn't know when to stop and would stop early, but the time did come and it wasn't too bad!


I guess people just like to make very emotional Baby Boomers feel like babies who feel good to make problems of the imagination seem hotter and better, although it looks autistic.



My Social Security is not eating off your children working hard in fast food restaurants while I wish I were back or doing something like that in a way but am forced to vegetate for now hospitalized and institutionalized.  It's eating off the same thing people my age are doing.

Website Update - "The Lo Down" of Life

My Statements > "The Lo Down" of Life

Your Health

Dialysis sounds like the spur to kick you into action into better health.

To me, once you get pre-diabetes and don't reverse it before it turns into diabetes, or whatever, you're just on the road to death, sooner or later, death by dialysis. I think it's a few times a week, and it's a horrible, unspoken process you know nothing about from the public and other friendly people.

I know taking pills can give you diabetes? For me, I took the cholesterol pills, and my health professional showing me the diagrams seemed mentally unstable and racist-ly induced, for the second or third visit at least recently. I also had been on psychotic medication. I even read after I got diabetes, sad, that it can cause diabetes, but no one cared, it wasn't a big deal, and so many people would not believe me.

Diabetes > "High Blood Pressure" / Heart > Kidneys / Dialysis ?

If you get diabetes, I would look up what foods are good to sprinkle in / add to your diet not only for diabetes but also for the heart and kidneys.

Your Money

People with mental illness I think can get Social Security, I'm not sure who else qualifies who is normal regarding their needs and not sure how much, but it depends on your living situation.

When my parents died, I got $2,045/month and can work part time up to like $14,30/month, whatever that may be. My aunt Barb got it for me, so she is to thank for that! I really just wanted to work and live in an apartment. I'm glad I have this, now, because I was living in 2 group homes Up in East Cleveland.

Apartments apparently cost like $600 usually at the lowest and average around the $1,000 range it seems, per month. If you get mail meal kits, check out the prices. I get the cheapest which tastes good, EveryPlate.. I get it for several people for most days of the week. I don't know about groceries, but they're pretty expensive I think for a minimum wage earner possibly. So, be careful. Make food a priority in your life, families in the U.S.A. from other heritages do it. Instead of moving to a magical land for $1K/month, I'm "staying here" for $620/month. That's about an extra $400/month for more EveryPlate, which I love the taste of and am ready to grow up on cooking and devouring like before. I've also used Hello Fresh, which is good and unique in other ways. So, I have like $1400/month after rent and like $1000 after bills and things. I have enough for like 5 meals a week for 6 people plus extra. So, that's 2 meals 3x a day of theirs. It may cost $600+. They selection is okay, there's a lot of things I like, but most of it no really. It beats my home cooking from childhood and what I can afford as an adult as a result of many problems, not my fault.

I'm trying to work up a savings in June or July hopefully. Don't forget to have retirement under control and don't wind up ever staying in a nursing home like this one I'm in...

There are ways to delegate money spending. I would follow my dreams, too. I like to get different minimum wage jobs teenagers get etc. I was supposed to graduate from college, in music.

What do you judge me by?

Do you ever judge me by my character or by if I make a mistake seeming mean or something?

Why don't you stop showing your anger for other people?  It must be embarrassing.

People Who Aren't as Outgoing to Talk as Me

They just like to make hints when they talk in the form of gossip about other people.

Even very well-liked people would not say the things I say, like what I've been saying here on my blog.

Does this mean I'm out because it's me and other people are free to say these things and get attention for it when people rarely find nor respond to me?

People who do talk to me don't seem to notice.  It would sure supply a lot to the otherwise echoing, mirroring, copying, mimicking conversation.

Other people get attention for bad things, and people encourage us to look bad and do that, too, like a trap, when the people who usually make that mistake are left free to change when that supposedly happens.  They even make the excuse we need something easier to do that's not as stressful, but that's not true at all with anyone.  I wonder how that works more with people who get by as popular.  Everyone swears you have to be bad and not smart or something like that to be popular, like people born in the later 1960s and the 1970s, like I know the females.  They said this in like the mid-late 1990s.. or finally seemed to all express that conclusion overnight.  Some were teachers.  They all seemed to network, in a sense.  Was it to please kids my age?  They seem challenged to communicate but seem like overly nice people.  Why are they embarrassed to be loved?

Race and Ethnicity

You, "pretty much," "won't make it" if you are just waiting for pretty people to pop up because of race and ethnicity.

I've seen people you'd love to see shy away because of it.

May as well make things for certain races and ethnicities and the mixes to show up for you to look at.

What Happened to the European American Exchange - Why It Vanished by Sometime After the Mid-Late 2000s

It's not like the U.S.A. is all going.

It's like when the regular good kids in school were waiting to see what they had to do to make it mentally and socially in the world.  All the kids who were considered to have problems with behavior in class were already saying they would make all the money.  People seemed to threaten that they would make it but didn't care about other kids essentially, maybe.  I know I was nice to everyone, while others were mean.  I was also personally under the mentality it was about school when it came to things with others in public regarding like my duties and "getting" things, whereas other people were commonly with their head in the clouds or maybe onto their elders more than I was.

So, on this topic, what happened to the European American Exchange and why it vanished by sometime after the mid-late 2000s, it is similar to this in that everyone woke up and wondered if all the best people go there I better listen and think that means it's me.  The mistake I just realized was that everyone is different.  However, people are all aroused by or attracted to Europe, from America, but they stay silent and expect to just "get" things rather than enjoy them socially by interacting and talking about it and recognizing it like it even exists, probably rubbing in their blase, nonchalant, complacent, conceited, hoarding views.

I also realize that people said since the U.S. can't all move to the same European countries or whatever that we should say the U.S. is Europe.  They also started acting like they were "better," Americans.


It looks like Andre Rieu is still approved of and I was the one put on the spot and disapproved of, and I never did anything wrong.  I realize it's not the same.  It might be about as much pressure but without public exposure, I notice, though.  Like I say whoever these people are or whatever is causing this, they or whoever (or whatever) make a big statement and then nothing happens for a long time and they are always made to feel comfortable and look good.  I also don't answer to maybe I did something wrong by accident as a reason to go down.  I didn't do anything really wrong and if I did I would have fixed it.  I don't like how Dutch people criticize Andre Rieu, too.  It's not like they're "good enough" or have to "open their big mouth."  I don't see anything innately brilliant about their hoarding him.  Andre Rieu is not too different in some ways but is a lot nicer and has it together more than most people with his French and Dutch heritage or whatever if he has.  He does it, still.  There's nothing especially wrong with him compared to most people, and people's critique of his fame and how good he is along with how famous he is is also wrong and unnecessary but also out of control and dumb.  They don't even know how it relates to me or not.  Maybe, he uses me for more fame.  I know most people seemed listlessly sneaky thinking I would "still" get credit for being a good musician or something abstract.  I didn't get anything fun all that time!  I guess they forget he gets that, too.  So, it's like I don't get as much, and the question is why does it matter.  It's one of those questions that doesn't require figuring out an answer, maybe, or could be a waste of time compared to other things we could be doing, I'm sure.  Yea, I was bothered to be involved.  I forget the point, now, but there's that, one of the most complete statements I have ever made.  Oh, yea, since he's so good, the Dutch always coat themselves as perfect to look bad to fit in.  So, they take special measures for him but like his personality and theirs and others are all better than mine, like I care, like you have to create a business to be worth anything.  I said fine it's a great idea, but they keep hurting me about it.  Pretty soon, you better not be looking for any attractive people!...


I don't like the way my dad got people not to communicate well with/about me, no matter what, compared to other people.

People who are not mean to me seem to avert me.  Either way, no one really talks to me much/well, in the end.

Whatever the problem is is not me.  I think other people gave in too easily to my dad or he really scared them that he would hurt me and maybe people would do other things.  That just means I'm the one who is fine as a person, not people who mis-communicate in my regard.