Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Andre Rieu Blog


so I can figure skate

'Seems I'll be getting by, with EveryPlate and churches's food pantries.

Are Baby Boomer kids a fuss over the mom being a baby and the dad being a boy having his s**?

Like, is mom making a fuss if the kids don't like a lotta foods?  Seems that the fuss over babies is who their dad is.

Well, how harsh are you on other people?

Not interested in other people's cries of pain because you pretend it's all their fault?

Are my associations really non-Floridian?

I guess I'll get by... staying up tonight and in the early AM, taking walks up late indoors, and eating snacks, and that way I won't be doing nothing trying to sleep at any time.

Andre Rieu - in Concert Today

Ergo Arena, Gdansk, Poland


I found I was used to learning from my dad in bed.

I don't know what to learn.

This Morning

I may have jogged for 20+ minutes.

Andre Rieu - in Concert Today

Ergo Arena, Gdansk, Poland

I was on the sitting step machine in the nursing home for 1/2 hour, again, and lifted for a little.

Colored Contacts

I will have greenish blue contact lenses.  I have worn blue contacts, before.

Hair Dye (continued)

I need more money to dye my hair.  I will have roots dark but like blonde.

Hair Dye

I want to dye my hair light buttercream.  This purple hair shampoo?  It still looks black, now.  I hope one day it will be naturally light.

I might get some nice comfy ice skates now, to invest, but I can't afford to go too often yet probably.  I am investing in it, though, even though I'm not going like every day.  I did that one week in Orlando.  Next month, I'll have like $500 extra.  I have like $300 extra this month, perhaps, if it works with Instacart getting a new credit card for 3 weeks, so I need 1 more new one.  A lotta work.

So, after I get the skates, which are $135, I have $300 leftover if I get a new credit card, so 3 credit cards this month for EveryPlate and 1 week groceries.  It might not be enough if I don't save some money and visit food pantries at churches, which should be fun, to go around Cleveland.  I also have 2 gym memberships.

After June, I shouldn't be behind in my bills straggling 1 month.



I'm alone and on my own and don't gravitate myself to other people.

Facebook - "Tim Burton - Official Page"

How lovable! Such a fun movie!

It stands out well. It has laughable jokes all throughout? I hope the children take to the art, indeed. It has a young adult sentiment feel and seems to feature the feel of a teenager, “all in one!”

Nursing Home

At least I have skate shoes for in my home and will clear more space and will dance there.

I'm feeling so comfy saving money.  I wonder if I need emergency protein for my ankles, what peanuts?

I have $385 extra this month and $483 next month.

I think I will wait to get my skates, like til next month.  The skates and the bag are like $200.

I'm guessing that if I skate 2 or 3 times a week it's like $150 a month.

I think the roller skating rink requires you buy food there, at least.

I like both.  I do want to figure skates but enjoy just skating.

I don't have to get a degree.  I might take college courses?

Maybe, I'll stay Up North like in Cleveland, for now, and figure skate.  I can eat and work somewhere like a grocery store or with makeup.


Top Left


I'm a 38 year old young adult as of 2004.

I'm putting figure skating before college dance.  I want the Dance AA then Tulane 2 years mostly ballet I guess, easier on me and feels better, maybe stay 3 years if I need to.

I took my shower and cut my bangs.


That Asians are only considered worth it for being like slick and all Asian but not mixed with White, like races should accept who they are and not continue on a path to evolve to be more fair and White as a person, if it is possible for anyone to get along even among one's own race if it's not White, regarding if they are like White maybe regarding being very "European..."


Update - in Left Side of Blog

Present Career|Education Plan Etc.

I want to live in my apartment in Cleveland and ice|figure skate, roller blade, and roller skate. When I look good and feel more social, I can go to "adult" ballet|dance classes at dance studios. I can save my money and at know I should at least get a big income selling my book after I have enough money to know I can safely publish it? I can pay to do modeling and acting, and now I'm 38 years old and don't feel like I'm in my late 30's or about 40. I also plan to set up a photo studio in my apartment, maybe soon, and maybe do something else with some of my space, like dance or plant flowers and food.