
Since people have often stopped talking to me when they find out my mixed race, I wonder if it's because they think it's unfair they know the race of other people of mixed race but from how they look or how extreme their complexion is.

Other races like White and White mixed with Native American indian don't have to do any work to get by and sometimes are very careless in attitude and even unappealing.

How cruel can you be?  If you are unaccepted racially, if you are nicer to someone else not accepted racially than people who are, people ridicule that you were nicer.

White people can't tell one race from another, when it comes to mixed race.

Should mixed White-European and non-White-Europeans care about White-Europeans pretending they will be genuine and real in their lives as people.  See them off with others living life fully.

I know people don't like to talk to me anymore because they think it's unfair to non-Whites.

What if Europeans can't be European?

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