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Friday, May 31, 2024
High School
After School - Ballet @ Giacobbe & Delta Festival Ballet
Music Lessons
Year 1
1- French I
2- Talented Music I
3- Career Orientation | Civics
4- English II
5- Geometry
7- World Geography
Pope John Paul II Catholic High School
After School - Ballet @ Giacobbe & Delta Festival Ballet
Music Lessons
Year 2
1- French II
2- Art I
3- English III
4- Algebra II
5- History
6- Health | PE
7- Biology I
Year 3
1- French III
2- Art II
3- English IV
4- Advanced Math | Trigonometry
5- History
6- Chemistry I
7- Biology II
Year 4
1- French IV
2- Art III
3- English V
4- Calculus
5- Physics
6- Chemistry II
College - Dance/Ballet + Minor in Violin
So, Hollywood is more fair racially, and the arts aren't and haven't been for a long time. Meaning, some are better some are not, but if you're better and your race is technically wrong people will crumble before your eyes and not accept you. The arts are important, big, and classical culture. Too bad we used it for the wrong reasons, too excited over Late Generation X | Early Generation Y.
I found the arts today seemed universally flawed, but then I came back only to feel corrected but not as impressed still as I should be with what I get.
It's about the elite performing artist.
Maybe, I should really look forward to being an actor one day. Why do so many get hopeless? They can even continue to be in more and more movies and have plenty to do, give to charity, travel.