Saturday, June 1, 2024

"I'm so happy!"

I'm so happy I reduced my budget by basically subtracting breakfast foods etc. that seems to last about a month and from almost $200 to maybe under $150.  It's sandwiches for lunch of mainly vegetables, a tomato wrap, and also cheese, red wine vinegar, and oil, like Subway.  There can be like 6 pizzas.  Tacos, the largest size of meat.  And more chicken thighs than a whole chicken's worth with it's natural peanut butter and coconut cream.  Just too bad I have to fry on the stovetop and not get a deep fryer..  So, what's that a week of pizza nights, and at least a week of tacos and chicken?

Also, I'm getting church food pantry food.  Some is neat.  It'll be plenty of pasta and tomato sauce, beans and rice.  Probably grits, as well.  Maybe some fruit.  Who knows.  Meat.  Like I've said recently, I'll have my rolling duffel bag.

Of course, there are still things at home that are probably many not spoiled.

So, look at it, this way.

"Count your blessings."

I'm getting out of being hospitalized.

Emma Kok

Do you know many young people who sing as good as she sings, in this video?

June > July > August > September

June > I bought nice things for my bed and the chair.

July > start figure skating

--- I can't buy a hamster, not enough money to make it comfortable and space. ---

I guess in August I can buy a TV to watch the Olympics which start near the end of July.

September > adult dance classes

I have 2 gym passes.


Well, I had my bowl of mostly bean soup, black beans, got lots of protein and over twice as much fiber. It has a good amount of barley, as well.

Strange Healing? Not Really

It's strange that, in a matter of a few days eating heavy bean soup and a few days before eating another bean soup, my foot that made me come to be hospitalized for 1/2 year has healed.


I got up and wasn't prone to falling back asleep.

"Sad to Say"

I'm taking another nap, I think.  I don't want another dream where a boar that turns into a killed disgusting pink pig tries to have *** with me, well, ambush me.

Apple :)

I just had an apple and feel good.

Gardening - I Wonder

I find it strange I don't have "a burning desire" to plant 1 certain food in my apartment.

Maybe, I could plant tomatos for pizza.  I chose sweet seeds, Datterini tomatos.

I guess I can also grow garlic to sprinkle on the crust/bread and probably cheese.

Maybe, the green peppers, too, and chili peppers.

I'm growing a pizza!


I'm going to take a nap.

I Hope

I really hope I can save money this month, some.

So Happy Today

My blood sugar has been like 250, but this morning it was like 176!

So, I was a little disappointed I bought some activity books to get me through the long weekend before I go home from the nursing home, and I assumed I wouldn't buy much else.  I didn't like it that much, but what I did made me feel better and I plan to do more of some.  I finished 2.  Anyway, it got me to thinking what do I really need? for some reason.  I realized, I do have the internet, but what I really want and need is a place just to lie down or sit down more comfortably.  So, I ordered me a king sized comforter for my twin size bed, 8 pillows and 8 pillowcases, and a lazy chair which I may be able to sit sorta sideways in!  I slept well, "on that note."

I wanted more extra money, but I need a good night's sleep, and that's clear.  Maybe, next I will get ice skates in July.  I also wanted a TV with the Olympics on, but maybe August I will get a TV.  I have to pay to use the rink but here probably can bring my own snacks.


New Page on Side of Blog

Secondary Blog

New Page


I will put it on the side of my blog when it works again.

I'm done with Sun In, it's a nice highlight and I'm not using purple mask.  Interesting?

Oil, Egg, Honey, Milk!

No lemon needed.

It must actually suck to be a Generation Z kid.  I wonder if they're jealous of older generations.

I cleaned my ears and they bled at the end, again, both the last cleaner or 2.