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Saturday, June 1, 2024
"I'm so happy!"
June > July > August > September
June > I bought nice things for my bed and the chair.
July > start figure skating
--- I can't buy a hamster, not enough money to make it comfortable and space. ---
I guess in August I can buy a TV to watch the Olympics which start near the end of July.
September > adult dance classes
I have 2 gym passes.
Well, I had my bowl of mostly bean soup, black beans, got lots of protein and over twice as much fiber. It has a good amount of barley, as well.
Strange Healing? Not Really
It's strange that, in a matter of a few days eating heavy bean soup and a few days before eating another bean soup, my foot that made me come to be hospitalized for 1/2 year has healed.
"Sad to Say"
I'm taking another nap, I think. I don't want another dream where a boar that turns into a killed disgusting pink pig tries to have *** with me, well, ambush me.
Gardening - I Wonder
I find it strange I don't have "a burning desire" to plant 1 certain food in my apartment.
Maybe, I could plant tomatos for pizza. I chose sweet seeds, Datterini tomatos.
I guess I can also grow garlic to sprinkle on the crust/bread and probably cheese.
Maybe, the green peppers, too, and chili peppers.
I'm growing a pizza!