Wednesday, May 15, 2024

High School - What I Wish I Did

Salmen High School

Year 1
1- Dance Team
2- Elective
3- English II
4- Algebra II
5- Chemistry
6- Career Orientation | Civics
7- PE I

Year 2
1- Dance Team
2- Elective
3- English III
4- Advanced Math | Trigonometry
5- Physics
6- World History
7- PE II | Health

Year 3
1- Dance Team
2- Elective
3- English IV
4- Calculus
5- Chemistry II
6- American History
7- Free Enterprise | PE II

Year 4
1- Dance Team
2- Elective
3- Biology II

Where is this going?

If Andre Rieu is maybe never meeting with me much at all, then why is he less adamant towards me musically than a college professor or general 1990s aficionado.  He even looks intimidated about me regarding the existence of the topic in general with anyone.  It makes me feel ^uncomfortable^!  His excuse is that I'll get all this other ^stuff^ instead, like I want...see where I'm going, am I gonna get stuff I need then? socially.

You know, my "pet peeve" with his group but not him is that they're just waiting for me to freshen up and get in shape before I can do anything at all in life or make any move even if it's not like them performing in front of other people with Andre Rieu at their mercy.  They themselves have nothing to offer, in the way they expect me to offer something.

Andre Rieu

Why does Andre Rieu seem passionate against people who self-glorify over tunes like "Chopsticks" on the piano and the opening tune of "Beethoven's 5th.."

It's just like the Freiburger Barockorchester, my passion for pleasure in music is not met with any affection or even approval as a musician technically.

Andre Rieu's Orchestra

If Andre Rieu's orchestra keeps acting sad to me they aren't Andre Rieu himself, why are they on Instagram inactively??  It's not a place for people to "play around."  I'm in life to talk without other people talking over me all the time.  'And I don't just play "Chopsticks" on the piano-

Don't Fit In

I don't like what's lurking about here.

I'm missing what other people already have Up North, at this point.  I wonder what I attain by lingering here, for now.  It looks like the good ole days are gone, anywhere, in different ways.

Bad People Anywhere

Apparently, they like to surprise you as Clevelanders.

It just makes me not know where to live, sometimes.  I'm pointlessly wandering around pleasing people.

"Decisions Decisions"

I bought stuff to make acrylic paintings for $35 to sell on Etsy.  I got 10 canvases, like 10" x 10", almost a foot long.

..I figured, I'd use it for DoorDash if I didn't.  At home, I'll get EveryPlate, which is delicious, and I'll not have this problem.  Plus, I'm trying to work from home, even now.

Why should I care?

Everyone I meet is just trying to annoy me.

Soon, I will have my independence.

They are ghey.

Andre Rieu

For complaining about Andre Rieu, they sure make a big fuss over him.

Hey, it's Andre's big day, not the orchestra's.  Foo-y, orchestras don't appreciate anything.