Saturday, June 15, 2024

Just so you all know and just to make her feel bad, the people monitoring me in private are wasting my time.  Don't expect me to shut up.

It's hard to believe they get away with it.  How mean these people are.

Do you know what the people monitoring me in private have been doing for a long time? if I do something they personally dislike, they pick on me for not knowing everything and threaten me.  Like, say I get mad and say it, they might come back later for a long time and keep ruining things for me and doing whatever I don't like again.

I wish I could just feel good, it's my foot that's still haunting me.  Since the nursing home, it's hard to eat.  I should get EveryPlate.  Maybe, it will fit in July.

Like, people annoy me and I have nothing "to go back to" or "fall back on."

I'm suffering with these unnecessary messages from people manipulating me life following me in private.  No one really talks to me.  I'm not inclined to fall asleep yet.

Does anyone think humans are more adept to eating vegetation than meat?  I mean if you think about being a primate?  I wonder if that's why you can get sick of eating meat all the time so eat it less often, like if too much pizza with eating lots of that bread and lumps of the same cheese and salt in the sauce, grease form the meat.

Boys Up North stop brunette girls from Florida / Down South from communicating, by the end.

My nostrils, the airways of the nose, are clearing, as I consume a hot homemade vegetable soup.

I just had some sweet dark grapes.

The next 2 -3 ? weeks setting up for the Maastricht concerts makes me happy cuz it's about setting it up! so much.  It's also an opportunity to refresh for it.  Also, I guess you could have some fun!

If you think my aunt Barb and her husband are intimidating as people, they are the ones causing the problems already, I know my aunt Barb and I guess supported by her husband from Florida.

Well, I did everything right this morning, pretty much, and  I noticed the people monitoring me in private are going crazy.