Friday, May 24, 2024

My Life

If you wouldn't have any problems being in Andre Rieu's orchestra, you shouldn't have to suffer if you are still as good and you aren't in it.

I decided to work and make money probably selling my book after I make money to help publish it.  I was told it was accepted to sell in bookstores, like B&N.  I might work at a grocery store near home, maybe in walking distance if possible, or a convenience store possibly.  I might go for full time since it's only 2 hours difference sometimes and you get to feel the whole day.  I will go home and relax and unwind maybe by 4-6.  I wake up and get to work in the morning, like 8-10.

I do believe in having fun in good ways at work even if it's at a store or factory.

How can I go on?

I can't take cues like a blonde and could "get lost in the mix."

Need to Not Waste Life, Just Thinking About That

There's no place and therefore way to devote your life to anything meaningful, anymore, like to take meaningful dance classes without people eyeball-ing you down.  Classical musicians are especially feisty, uppity and challenging.

People From up North With an Attitude

Do people from Up North always turn around and say there's something wrong with you and believe there is no point in life, socially?

Money Log 1


Food Log



...and I don't have a credit card right now with that money or the money I transferred which takes a few days.  I get paid in a week.


I had some pocket money you might say, leftover from Amazon charge or something that didn't take ... and I got macaroni and cheese and tuna with crackers.


Evidence says yes, the purple shampoo will help make it look naturally like a blonde.


I think I will just use the purple shampoo for awhile and see if it turns blonde, not use the sun in which may make it more red.




I started a new book.
