Friday, April 19, 2024

Why are you not like ... Andre Rieu?

Should we say since Andre Rieu already did something great, it's not really an option to play with for at least someone like me?  Other people like to cross their eyes up at him for that fact and still play with it, like he is.  I did consider making a professional orchestra for working adults, serving all levels to the top.  After all, violin takes maybe a few years to learn, supposedly easier when you already know music, like people who are already violinists don't practice maybe so much alone.

Some of the Dutch sentiment has no point insulting me for making mistakes, pretending they are infallible, or will these ones deny it next time I get a message?  What else is there to discuss?  I forget, but there are details that are interesting and overarching in English.  I am glad to have Dutch heritage, but they prove to be mean sometimes.

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