Sunday, May 5, 2024

(Big) Crime

The people monitoring me in private work hard to make sure I don't make it in life.

I know I wasn't perverted and was not disgusting.  They've been impersonating to me that Ellen DeGeneres would or did try to prove I could become something else bad and that for whatever random reason I deserved it.  They are trying to say it's not possible that other people are already like that.  I forget how, but they made me panic and feel bad, and I already had problems not wanting to go out into the house with my family home from college.

I know I was gonna even fix myself up even more and they took even that aesthetic away from me, my makeover.  I know people panic'd, like saying to themselves nervously like, 'But no" or hating me with all their might as the reason they could say I had to go down, as their last wish against me, like I did something that deserved that.

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