Saturday, May 11, 2024

Community College

I was thinking of progressing towards my degree in music at Tri C.. a community college. Like $373 per 3 credit hour class.  So, I might do one class at a time.  If I do FAFSA, I may have to go full time, but maybe not.  It won't pay for all the classes, I think.  I still want just one class at a time, for now.  Maybe two, later.  I guess if summer just 1 class, maybe 2 the other semesters.

I feel safe Up North away from my dad, and mom. ... and now Barb, who is involved in my being monitored in private, and my parents passed away sick.  There are some things I don't have apparently, but not really.

Maybe, my GPA will be a 3.0 someday, too bad I forgot to withdraw in the distracting environment and they are too stupid to help with my case.

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