Monday, May 6, 2024

Money and Food

I got charged a sum of $80 extra.  It'd be nice to have $300 instead of $200 in my main bank.  At least, I have $60 in another.  I can get church food.  Each week might be $60 if I get 30 meals a week, 6 people x 5 days I think.  So, if I cook 3x a day that's 2 of those little meals each time I cook.  No use working if I have to be home to cook a lunch.  Work from home?  Hard?  I'm on Social Security, $2,045/month.

I'm gonna ask the kitchen in the nursing home for a salad, which is big, not a side salad.  Either they can bring it now or at supper.. maybe a snack now or I'll dig in my storage of food.

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