Friday, June 14, 2024


I have my 3rd load of laundry to fold, pretty much.

I'm making my cold water and ordered the cheapest ice tray on Amazon, which I think is flexible.  It comes tomorrow, unless there's another glitch, with paying using a bank account.

I bought a pitcher to pour water with today.  I have one to purify water in my refrigerator, and I pour it in this one.

So, I am having a hard time running low on money counting money that bounces out, in, and out of my account, for bills.  I have 2 checking accounts and 2 banks, though.  I just have a lot less next month.  Anyway, using my new knowledge of food, it gets easier to eat cheaper, and I have food pantries to go to.  I am even happy with the gym and being comfortable at home, to some degree.  I do want to spend around $100 for 8 king sized pillows and pillow cases in July.  I'll have a higher electric bill and can't skip my bankruptcy payment, which is easy since I'm home.  I might have over $800 next month.  I'll be smarter, too, about what I need and hope to learn more, like about the meat I'm thinking now.  I have an idea for the vegetables maybe.

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