Do you think there are any good parents with good kids? Maybe, they are thin potpourri parents.
Joanna • An Online Journal
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Sunday, June 16, 2024
Early Baby Boomers born around 1950 and the early 1950s won't let me do it on my own and come back and be happy like everyone else my age range. Maybe, they aren't perfect and are even lazy with "children," when it comes to personally. I didn't need my parents that much, but I didn't get to go to daycare or stay in preschool all day.
Saturday, June 15, 2024
Do you know what the people monitoring me in private have been doing for a long time? if I do something they personally dislike, they pick on me for not knowing everything and threaten me. Like, say I get mad and say it, they might come back later for a long time and keep ruining things for me and doing whatever I don't like again.
I wish I could just feel good, it's my foot that's still haunting me. Since the nursing home, it's hard to eat. I should get EveryPlate. Maybe, it will fit in July.
Like, people annoy me and I have nothing "to go back to" or "fall back on."
I'm suffering with these unnecessary messages from people manipulating me life following me in private. No one really talks to me. I'm not inclined to fall asleep yet.
Does anyone think humans are more adept to eating vegetation than meat? I mean if you think about being a primate? I wonder if that's why you can get sick of eating meat all the time so eat it less often, like if too much pizza with eating lots of that bread and lumps of the same cheese and salt in the sauce, grease form the meat.
Friday, June 14, 2024
I bought an onion, a tomato, and some celery, to make vegetable broth. I won't use a lot for one bowl. At home, I already have carrots, potatos...
I have my 3rd load of laundry to fold, pretty much.
I'm making my cold water and ordered the cheapest ice tray on Amazon, which I think is flexible. It comes tomorrow, unless there's another glitch, with paying using a bank account.
I bought a pitcher to pour water with today. I have one to purify water in my refrigerator, and I pour it in this one.
So, I am having a hard time running low on money counting money that bounces out, in, and out of my account, for bills. I have 2 checking accounts and 2 banks, though. I just have a lot less next month. Anyway, using my new knowledge of food, it gets easier to eat cheaper, and I have food pantries to go to. I am even happy with the gym and being comfortable at home, to some degree. I do want to spend around $100 for 8 king sized pillows and pillow cases in July. I'll have a higher electric bill and can't skip my bankruptcy payment, which is easy since I'm home. I might have over $800 next month. I'll be smarter, too, about what I need and hope to learn more, like about the meat I'm thinking now. I have an idea for the vegetables maybe.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
I cancelled the book since I already have enough to make me happy, but I kept the like $5+ reading lamp that changes amounts of light and clip son. I kept the bubble bath. That way I will be more comfortable and not be stressed out to read the books for Toy Story yet. I don't think I will get the pillows and pillowcases until July, though. I could get some, but I still don't think so. I'm more worked over food --- and saving. I have maybe over $200 total now. I didn't buy anything too silly.
Soup to Sip
That's it, tomorrow I'm taking the bus to the grocery store with a rolling bag and getting vegetables for vegetable broth to sip.
The Popularity: My Younger Brother and Younger Girl Cousin
My Younger Brother
My dad put him up as deserving something as though I was lumped into him and his younger sister Barb, when we are nothing alike.
So, he is something to, say, "scoop up after," socially..
My Younger Girl Cousin
She is definitely a worldwide phenomenon. People like to give her attention or feelings that were going to go to me, for pleasure, for example. So, you'll run into her in high places, that's for sure, for me at least.
No Such Thing as a Need for Social Segregation ("Ghey")
I don't think other races just automatically rub off in a bad way more than anything else bad that happens in some similar way that means something related.
So, there's no reason to be racist. Whites feel good being the only white one, for a time, and usually have people they know to talk to. Sure, some whites talk to non-whites to have even more people to talk to.
What I Wish I Did in High School, Now
Year 1
1- Dance Team
2- English II
3- Geometry
4- Career Orientation | Civics
5- Biology I
6- PE I
7- Talented Theater
Year 2
1- Dance Team
2- English III
3- Algebra II
4- World History
5- Chemistry I
6- PE II | Health
7- Talented Theater
Year 3
1- Dance Team
2- English IV
3- Advanced Math | Trigonometry
4- American History
5- Physics
6- Free Enterprise |
7- Talented Theater
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
So Good to Be Solo
I might just stay home and finish off my laundry or half of it, which is important. See, I didn't get one of my bank cards, 2 cards from this bank.
Winding Down
I'm winding down, so I can take my pills and vitamins comfortably. I have my green tea, to calm me.
Woke Up, for Now
I may have gone to bed, like, 4 hours ago. I'm still tired and would go back to bed, but I'm too hungry and so am having breakfast, which these days is a poached egg with salt and pepper and green tea and 1/2 an orange, along with my vitamins and pills.
I might wait a little to go to bed or go soon. I'm pretty worked from my exercise class today and need to stay home and rest, probably. I also need to do laundry, maybe later or after my next nap.
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
I feel happier when people make fun of me because I know all my fun work to be healthy and save up ^riches^ means I will go places and not stay in this evil deevil apartment and area.... I need to have fun looking into this for fun and find out how to find out how to live. Florida is hot, and many people are Up North culture.
Monday, June 10, 2024
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Cough drops can save your life...?
Taking Ricola which has whatever in it but not like 50 a day is good and I didn't get weak and dependent on it. The herbs made me cough less overall and I still took them. So, I wouldn't throw up from coughing every time the food I had to eat bubbled up and down the tube ticking it for some reason.
My mom died from medication making her throw up everything almost. The medication did that to me, too.
film|boards Post by Me Now
The Kind of Family I'm From and Why It Seems So "Well to Do"
My family didn't really *trash the traditions*. They didn't force me to go ahead and mix the spaghetti and the sauce instead of eating it with the spaghetti as much plain as possible. They didn't ditch dinner. It wasn't "PIZZA!?"
We didn't have frozen vegetables etc. That's easy enough, I could have done it.
We did have traditional food that was not exactly Asian dining. I improved it on my own by chopping the meat ahead of time and squeezing lemon (or lime I will start soon too) and sprinkling salt and pepper on it, as well ... but the pieces are already cut.
We had good vegetables, like good broccoli with lots of spice, among other things, cooked vegetables to include lima beans, peas, cauliflower, lots of corn, etc. We also had fresh carrots and cucumbers, the cucumbers being a favorite of my younger brother, every night for supper. Of course, it would be hard to get into a routine to bring to school, but some people do or manage.
We had bread often, Italian bread, like baguettes? I liked lots of thick pieces. I had done gymnastics, so this was good. I didn't eat a lot of candy, ever, especially before age 5. I was very hungry. We didn't always eat quite the same or as much.
There were times, long times we ate very differently I could go into.
We had the meats: chicken often lemon pepper rotisserie, beef/steak, pork, ham, and for Thanksgiving turkey. Sometimes, fish, a newer thing, maybe because of the bones.
We had cereal for breakfast and maybe other things, orange juice since I used to be allergic to milk but had it in my cereal, though it just made me throw up. I've had other things for breakfast. Oh yea, pop tarts, sometimes waffles Egos.
We had fruits kinda like a treat but more to be healthy that it was okay it was tasty you know? No added sugar, but that would be a new dessert.
We had dessert, just not candy all day since I didn't when I was little I guess. Sometimes, we made special things, like most people's parents have them do. People at school in public high school made such a big deal I always made store bought cookie mix cookies, chocolate chip.
We had the drinks: sodas like Pepsi or Coke, Sprite, Root Beer, and Orange Soda. Water with ice we had to make at first for awhile. Sometimes, I did it, but it wasn't a big deal and they ignored it. I was naturally clean, though. We sometimes had other things like the Hawaiian Punch I liked with cheese sticks, Yoohoo!, and for lunch Capri Sun which used to be sweet and good frozen from breakfast.
We ate out, too, and it was very social in a way to sit there and feel it.
from Massachusetts
My dad and I bought the Halloween one online in 2007 in Altamonte Springs, Orlando, Florida.
Saturday, June 8, 2024
My mom was the florist at Albertson's in Saint Augustine, Florida, but she didn't have to get certified.
I want to sell at a place, like that. The class, you can open your own shop, but that's the reason, that and to work like most people, as opposed to selling jewelry. I also considered makeup in a store.