Tuesday, April 16, 2024

What's the hot and new Asian country after China and Japan?


I found a credible source stating maybe Indonesians came from Asia like 10,000 years ago, and they came from Africa, supposedly it says, while Europe did come from the Middle East.. but you know it doesn't matter but might make some difference?  I don't know the status of Africans/Blacks and Jewish people..

So, it is like the miracle culture that is old Asia refined, to "Whites."  Wow, to be honest, they just get everything.  That's fine by me, but I thought I was included.  It grosses me out, on an individual level.  No racism allowed, I say, but I'm not violent to "racists."  I just don't want to be the negative one in the game or someone people sadly can't talk to..

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