Sunday, May 12, 2024

Funny Dream

I hate how I can't breathe well in my dreams, and I know I'm dreaming and sometimes try to stay asleep.

I had a nice room and arrived with my younger brother, who was small sometimes.

I got myself employment maybe to my mom's surprise.

Something happened and I seemed to have an attitude.  Barb found out, and she was pursuing me and like my mom was saying.  I know I found 1 huge pill instead of many, and something else.  Barb kept chasing me.  My mom, too.

I imagined a big guy finally who came, like a puppet or Barney, but he was just a person, kinda looked like my martial arts teacher but wanted him to be generic.

I also remember I had a backpack of stuff and some people were going to sports, athletics, or tennis with me.  I think I was on the basketball team to be.  I felt so good.  I was still pursued and threatened.  The people at work would not fire me but one followed me earlier, I think, or went in to me kinda for awhile, like a nice lady with smooth blonde hair.

For a long time, the feeling of me writing a story, this big creature kept holding me and carrying me in weird ways like he was bouncing and stuff, you know, like I couldn't make it out I was so uncomfortable.  I imagined a string going under me and later a bit he said to imagine going up.  I knew I was dreaming, too, and was afraid to wake up with the nurse there, again feeling it in my sleep, stimulation.  I just try to make it feel strong and know it will probably stop.  Too bad it's all in one area..

Anyway, I was a big girl and kept saying not to hurt my younger brother.  Supposedly, the creature was drunk.  I was so happy to be with my younger brother again.  Maybe, the creature was even there.

So, I guess near the end it ends with, well lots of different things happened, too, like with Barb and with the creature too.  So, near the end, I kinda had a faint image of him holding me and rubbing my face or head and everything saying like through my puppetry what was wrong and I kept saying how sad I was in the hospital in my dream that well nursing home that it's hard to breathe, like now, like I was crying and he kept holding me and I kept saying that.  I dunno, is it???

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