Saturday, June 1, 2024

"I'm so happy!"

I'm so happy I reduced my budget by basically subtracting breakfast foods etc. that seems to last about a month and from almost $200 to maybe under $150.  It's sandwiches for lunch of mainly vegetables, a tomato wrap, and also cheese, red wine vinegar, and oil, like Subway.  There can be like 6 pizzas.  Tacos, the largest size of meat.  And more chicken thighs than a whole chicken's worth with it's natural peanut butter and coconut cream.  Just too bad I have to fry on the stovetop and not get a deep fryer..  So, what's that a week of pizza nights, and at least a week of tacos and chicken?

Also, I'm getting church food pantry food.  Some is neat.  It'll be plenty of pasta and tomato sauce, beans and rice.  Probably grits, as well.  Maybe some fruit.  Who knows.  Meat.  Like I've said recently, I'll have my rolling duffel bag.

Of course, there are still things at home that are probably many not spoiled.

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