Sunday, May 26, 2024

"School in the Fall"

I can take a class and raise my GPA a point?

Just think, I work some of June and all of July and all or some of August.  I might have an extra $2000+ if you count savings from SSI.  I might have some extra money each month.  I can take 1 college course and do nothing else.  I might go to Tri-C!  I guess I'll finish math, and if I were done I'd do 1 of 2 needed science courses.  Maybe, I'll work again after awhile into the semester or like also for the Spring and maybe also take a course if it's easy enough, but maybe not with the cooking?  I dunno, maybe.  I don't need much time to keep up on film|boards.

So, math in the Fall, math in the Spring?  I only took 1 remedial math so far.  I can do Sciences after that, and I'll have my AA.  I might be able to do 2 classes at once after this semester.  I'll be able to afford it, too...

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