Saturday, May 18, 2024

Some of Andre Rieu's People

Emma Kok - 16-year-old solo singer girl
- She is nice and there to model her beauty. She is a "true" Dutch girl, with some more positive repercussions among the crowd as I'd hoped.

Serena - violinist girl with long bright very light hair
- She may be closer to Andre Rieu than his son Pierre, but I'd rather hear him say, "That doesn't matter," or "No, she's not," which means it's the answer to the question in this way but not overall in every way. You've got to get into what's running our lives and talk about these things in a nice way, like this. Also, it won't come out bad later?

Annabelle - brunette violinist, young, supple, very thin, Australian
- a true English girl.. nuff said

Maja - young floutist
- Notorious for her white hair, so better watch out?

- They are a great family but hard to get close to, great Dutch family, in the music I hope.

- She's a spunky violinist, blonde.

- Dutch blonde singer, tall and slender. She's so nice but needs to be protected.

- English horn? Such a sweet girl!

- white blonde solo singer, so sweet!

- white blonde violist, very cool!

- blonde violinist? very sweet.

- Choral singer with a solo this season, very cute!

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