Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Website Update - "The Lo Down" of Life

My Statements > "The Lo Down" of Life

Your Health

Dialysis sounds like the spur to kick you into action into better health.

To me, once you get pre-diabetes and don't reverse it before it turns into diabetes, or whatever, you're just on the road to death, sooner or later, death by dialysis. I think it's a few times a week, and it's a horrible, unspoken process you know nothing about from the public and other friendly people.

I know taking pills can give you diabetes? For me, I took the cholesterol pills, and my health professional showing me the diagrams seemed mentally unstable and racist-ly induced, for the second or third visit at least recently. I also had been on psychotic medication. I even read after I got diabetes, sad, that it can cause diabetes, but no one cared, it wasn't a big deal, and so many people would not believe me.

Diabetes > "High Blood Pressure" / Heart > Kidneys / Dialysis ?

If you get diabetes, I would look up what foods are good to sprinkle in / add to your diet not only for diabetes but also for the heart and kidneys.

Your Money

People with mental illness I think can get Social Security, I'm not sure who else qualifies who is normal regarding their needs and not sure how much, but it depends on your living situation.

When my parents died, I got $2,045/month and can work part time up to like $14,30/month, whatever that may be. My aunt Barb got it for me, so she is to thank for that! I really just wanted to work and live in an apartment. I'm glad I have this, now, because I was living in 2 group homes Up in East Cleveland.

Apartments apparently cost like $600 usually at the lowest and average around the $1,000 range it seems, per month. If you get mail meal kits, check out the prices. I get the cheapest which tastes good, EveryPlate.. I get it for several people for most days of the week. I don't know about groceries, but they're pretty expensive I think for a minimum wage earner possibly. So, be careful. Make food a priority in your life, families in the U.S.A. from other heritages do it. Instead of moving to a magical land for $1K/month, I'm "staying here" for $620/month. That's about an extra $400/month for more EveryPlate, which I love the taste of and am ready to grow up on cooking and devouring like before. I've also used Hello Fresh, which is good and unique in other ways. So, I have like $1400/month after rent and like $1000 after bills and things. I have enough for like 5 meals a week for 6 people plus extra. So, that's 2 meals 3x a day of theirs. It may cost $600+. They selection is okay, there's a lot of things I like, but most of it no really. It beats my home cooking from childhood and what I can afford as an adult as a result of many problems, not my fault.

I'm trying to work up a savings in June or July hopefully. Don't forget to have retirement under control and don't wind up ever staying in a nursing home like this one I'm in...

There are ways to delegate money spending. I would follow my dreams, too. I like to get different minimum wage jobs teenagers get etc. I was supposed to graduate from college, in music.

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