Sunday, June 16, 2024

Do you think there are any good parents with good kids?  Maybe, they are thin potpourri parents.

I don't think I'm going to church, today.  I still need to get fit.  I am going to the grocery store, maybe, to get muffin mix or whatever.

Early Baby Boomers born around 1950 and the early 1950s won't let me do it on my own and come back and be happy like everyone else my age range.  Maybe, they aren't perfect and are even lazy with "children," when it comes to personally.  I didn't need my parents that much, but I didn't get to go to daycare or stay in preschool all day.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Just so you all know and just to make her feel bad, the people monitoring me in private are wasting my time.  Don't expect me to shut up.

It's hard to believe they get away with it.  How mean these people are.

Do you know what the people monitoring me in private have been doing for a long time? if I do something they personally dislike, they pick on me for not knowing everything and threaten me.  Like, say I get mad and say it, they might come back later for a long time and keep ruining things for me and doing whatever I don't like again.

I wish I could just feel good, it's my foot that's still haunting me.  Since the nursing home, it's hard to eat.  I should get EveryPlate.  Maybe, it will fit in July.

Like, people annoy me and I have nothing "to go back to" or "fall back on."

I'm suffering with these unnecessary messages from people manipulating me life following me in private.  No one really talks to me.  I'm not inclined to fall asleep yet.

Does anyone think humans are more adept to eating vegetation than meat?  I mean if you think about being a primate?  I wonder if that's why you can get sick of eating meat all the time so eat it less often, like if too much pizza with eating lots of that bread and lumps of the same cheese and salt in the sauce, grease form the meat.

Boys Up North stop brunette girls from Florida / Down South from communicating, by the end.

My nostrils, the airways of the nose, are clearing, as I consume a hot homemade vegetable soup.

I just had some sweet dark grapes.

The next 2 -3 ? weeks setting up for the Maastricht concerts makes me happy cuz it's about setting it up! so much.  It's also an opportunity to refresh for it.  Also, I guess you could have some fun!

If you think my aunt Barb and her husband are intimidating as people, they are the ones causing the problems already, I know my aunt Barb and I guess supported by her husband from Florida.

Well, I did everything right this morning, pretty much, and  I noticed the people monitoring me in private are going crazy.

Friday, June 14, 2024

I'm still feeling sensitive, delicate, and feeble.  Hopefully adding this vegetable broth will help.

I don't make a big deal of my problems.

I guess I'll just take a stupid nap then do the dishes.  I took a shower.  :p  Interesting?  Huh..

I guess my dad's mom's family is not being very nice and doesn't wanna talk to me cuz Barb is involved..


I bought an onion, a tomato, and some celery, to make vegetable broth.  I won't use a lot for one bowl.  At home, I already have carrots, potatos...


I have my 3rd load of laundry to fold, pretty much.

I'm making my cold water and ordered the cheapest ice tray on Amazon, which I think is flexible.  It comes tomorrow, unless there's another glitch, with paying using a bank account.

I bought a pitcher to pour water with today.  I have one to purify water in my refrigerator, and I pour it in this one.

So, I am having a hard time running low on money counting money that bounces out, in, and out of my account, for bills.  I have 2 checking accounts and 2 banks, though.  I just have a lot less next month.  Anyway, using my new knowledge of food, it gets easier to eat cheaper, and I have food pantries to go to.  I am even happy with the gym and being comfortable at home, to some degree.  I do want to spend around $100 for 8 king sized pillows and pillow cases in July.  I'll have a higher electric bill and can't skip my bankruptcy payment, which is easy since I'm home.  I might have over $800 next month.  I'll be smarter, too, about what I need and hope to learn more, like about the meat I'm thinking now.  I have an idea for the vegetables maybe.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Andre Rieu's orchestra let me alone, but they still enjoy butting in ruining it for me with him.

Vegetable broth is good for being digested nicely?

I cancelled the book since I already have enough to make me happy, but I kept the like $5+ reading lamp that changes amounts of light and clip son.  I kept the bubble bath.  That way I will be more comfortable and not be stressed out to read the books for Toy Story yet.  I don't think I will get the pillows and pillowcases until July, though. I could get some, but I still don't think so.  I'm more worked over food --- and saving.  I have maybe over $200 total now.  I didn't buy anything too silly.

I can't wait til July when I get 8 pillows and 8 pillowcases, king size.  Bedtime will be fun!

Soup to Sip

That's it, tomorrow I'm taking the bus to the grocery store with a rolling bag and getting vegetables for vegetable broth to sip.

The Popularity: My Younger Brother and Younger Girl Cousin

My Younger Brother

My dad put him up as deserving something as though I was lumped into him and his younger sister Barb, when we are nothing alike.

So, he is something to, say, "scoop up after," socially..

My Younger Girl Cousin

She is definitely a worldwide phenomenon.  People like to give her attention or feelings that were going to go to me, for pleasure, for example.  So, you'll run into her in high places, that's for sure, for me at least.

No Such Thing as a Need for Social Segregation ("Ghey")

I don't think other races just automatically rub off in a bad way more than anything else bad that happens in some similar way that means something related.

So, there's no reason to be racist.  Whites feel good being the only white one, for a time, and usually have people they know to talk to.  Sure, some whites talk to non-whites to have even more people to talk to.

I'm eyeing the garbage and laundry, but I just walked home from Pizza Hut.

🚿  Ah!

I need to prepare my next meal and hopefully dry my hair, and put on the makeup.  I have to go to the pharmacy sometime.  I guess I will when I have nothing to do and want to go outside.  My hair takes a long time to dry, but my blow dryer is fast.

I'm sick of "violin solos" being so "dumb" and want to play something else for that but still be a violinist mainly.  I also play piano mainly already.  I want to make money now on piano.


Post by Me to Andre Rieu

Secondary Blog 1

Secondary Blog 1

I might lie down but not sleep again and wake up and have my egg, green tea, and 1/2 orange ... pills and the vitamins.

I am so happy I'm settled, laundry.  I even set up my keyboard, got a stand from eBay for $20, or like $19.99.

I walked around the apartment complex.  People all over who live here, 2, attacked me like I was a dork, who were younger...

People coming here are getting all unstable over my problems like from being monitored in private.

Secondary Blog 1

I feel the people monitoring me in private could connect to hurting the people I like most.

I'm so happy I pretty much got laundry done for now, 2 loads.

Secondary Blog

I'm not going to line dancing today, but I might go to a cheap store for some tasty food, like nacho cheese dip, unless I just cook the tortillas with the cheese on it.  I might think of something else or get pizza crust, in case, as I eat so many small meals all day, now.

What I Wish I Did in High School, Now

Year 1
1- Dance Team
2- English II
3- Geometry
4- Career Orientation | Civics
5- Biology I
6- PE I
7- Talented Theater

Year 2
1- Dance Team
2- English III
3- Algebra II
4- World History
5- Chemistry I
6- PE II | Health
7- Talented Theater

Year 3
1- Dance Team
2- English IV
3- Advanced Math | Trigonometry
4- American History
5- Physics
6- Free Enterprise | 
7- Talented Theater

I wonder what's wrong with me.  The medicine is not very heavy...


Me 1998

Secondary Blog

Secondary Blog 1

Secondary Blog 1

Secondary Blog 1

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Good One


I think I do want to go to line dancing tomorrow.  I set up more stuff in my home but didn't do the laundry.

I'll bring my camera stand, too.

Do you think it matters a lot what fruit you eat?  There are only so many at the grocery stores.  Like, I have a cup of water with cut up lime and I have fruit out thawing I store today I take some of now and then.  It's more refreshing than just water.  I have some vegetables with every meal, like.

No line dancing for tomorrow if I don't get some laundry done maybe but maybe if I'm not tired.

People seemed to sense something the matter with me when I didn't transfer the money for today's sales, some cheap stuff, several things. I transferred $17.. at least $15.

I want to clean the kitchen, as usual, but my head feels tight from exercise.

I'm not even eating fried potatoes for this meal.  I really wanted to make nacho dip but need the chips.

I mean stay home for more than one day to do my laundry.

So Good to Be Solo

I might just stay home and finish off my laundry or half of it, which is important.  See, I didn't get one of my bank cards, 2 cards from this bank.

Why do Andre Rieu's people get to do that so much if I may never feel that good as of now?  I let them be.

It seems some/many Dutch people associated with Andre Rieu, a word I happened to use regarding someone related, do treat me like "shit" or trash or like I did something special to show I'm not good enough..

Do you think Andre Rieu's orchestra is cute?  I wonder if all the members are different.

It's hard to get back to sleep because of all the exercise.

I'm excited to get this laundry under control.  I'm gonna sort out the clean laundry to be stowed away.  I have to clean a packing bag, disinfect it.

Winding Down

I'm winding down, so I can take my pills and vitamins comfortably.  I have my green tea, to calm me.

Woke Up, for Now

 I may have gone to bed, like, 4 hours ago.  I'm still tired and would go back to bed, but I'm too hungry and so am having breakfast, which these days is a poached egg with salt and pepper and green tea and 1/2 an orange, along with my vitamins and pills.

I might wait a little to go to bed or go soon.  I'm pretty worked from my exercise class today and need to stay home and rest, probably.  I also need to do laundry, maybe later or after my next nap.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

I feel happier when people make fun of me because I know all my fun work to be healthy and save up ^riches^ means I will go places and not stay in this evil deevil apartment and area....  I need to have fun looking into this for fun and find out how to find out how to live.  Florida is hot, and many people are Up North culture.

Monday, June 10, 2024



The people monitoring me in private won't stop projecting themselves as stupid.

I'm the one who has to worry to stay out of a mental hospital!

The people monitoring me in private are drunk and provoking me to yell and in an apartment.

So, I've started to have been trashed, long ago, for my race, but it didn't used to be this way.

I feel social pressure that Andre Rieu's girls can get attention, lingering on Instagram and won't talk to me cuza my dad they know my race and have an excuse to be totally "pigs."

They don't listen, but I'm sick of the people monitoring me in private, like the fat fair Italian lady, going with the flow to make problems and it just goes, as she's the main person who's ever said anything, and I can't have the fat darker Italian lady who's still pretty fair, anymore.

Do you think my parents died for holding against my younger brother his shoving the dish in the table since my dad acted like my younger brother getting his wisdom teeth out was shit after?  I think so.  It's too bad, of course.

Andre Rieu's girls talk like I'm shit, in their accent.

People think they can act all drunk around Andre Rieu like they're this and that Dutch for him, while he tells me I'm shit socially for my own race.

I don't have anything special against Andre Rieu's personality, but he is drunk making up problems for me.

I'm extremely mad at the fat fair Italian lady monitoring me in private.

Why did the intelligent things go with woke?

Can I really feel comfortable at Christmas?

Sunday, June 9, 2024


Fixed Link

My André Rieu Blog

I have a pretty cheap pack for 12 like 21 packs of cough drops of Ricola sugar free, regular kind.

Cough drops can save your life...?

Taking Ricola which has whatever in it but not like 50 a day is good and I didn't get weak and dependent on it.  The herbs made me cough less overall and I still took them.  So, I wouldn't throw up from coughing every time the food I had to eat bubbled up and down the tube ticking it for some reason.

My mom died from medication making her throw up everything almost.  The medication did that to me, too.

film|boards Post by Me Now

The Kind of Family I'm From and Why It Seems So "Well to Do"

My family didn't really *trash the traditions*. They didn't force me to go ahead and mix the spaghetti and the sauce instead of eating it with the spaghetti as much plain as possible. They didn't ditch dinner. It wasn't "PIZZA!?"

We didn't have frozen vegetables etc. That's easy enough, I could have done it.

We did have traditional food that was not exactly Asian dining. I improved it on my own by chopping the meat ahead of time and squeezing lemon (or lime I will start soon too) and sprinkling salt and pepper on it, as well ... but the pieces are already cut.

We had good vegetables, like good broccoli with lots of spice, among other things, cooked vegetables to include lima beans, peas, cauliflower, lots of corn, etc. We also had fresh carrots and cucumbers, the cucumbers being a favorite of my younger brother, every night for supper. Of course, it would be hard to get into a routine to bring to school, but some people do or manage.

We had bread often, Italian bread, like baguettes? I liked lots of thick pieces. I had done gymnastics, so this was good. I didn't eat a lot of candy, ever, especially before age 5. I was very hungry. We didn't always eat quite the same or as much.

There were times, long times we ate very differently I could go into.

We had the meats: chicken often lemon pepper rotisserie, beef/steak, pork, ham, and for Thanksgiving turkey. Sometimes, fish, a newer thing, maybe because of the bones.

We had cereal for breakfast and maybe other things, orange juice since I used to be allergic to milk but had it in my cereal, though it just made me throw up. I've had other things for breakfast. Oh yea, pop tarts, sometimes waffles Egos.

We had fruits kinda like a treat but more to be healthy that it was okay it was tasty you know? No added sugar, but that would be a new dessert.

We had dessert, just not candy all day since I didn't when I was little I guess. Sometimes, we made special things, like most people's parents have them do. People at school in public high school made such a big deal I always made store bought cookie mix cookies, chocolate chip.

We had the drinks: sodas like Pepsi or Coke, Sprite, Root Beer, and Orange Soda. Water with ice we had to make at first for awhile. Sometimes, I did it, but it wasn't a big deal and they ignored it. I was naturally clean, though. We sometimes had other things like the Hawaiian Punch I liked with cheese sticks, Yoohoo!, and for lunch Capri Sun which used to be sweet and good frozen from breakfast.

We ate out, too, and it was very social in a way to sit there and feel it.

I think I'm gonna play and go through my dirty laundry and see what I want to wash, first, sometime, hopefully relatively soon.

Me Singing Now

Me Singing Now

from Massachusetts

My dad and I bought the Halloween one online in 2007 in Altamonte Springs, Orlando, Florida.

The people monitoring me in private won't stop abusing me.

Food I Had I Made


I'm a little tired out from all the new excitement.

I threw out trash at like 2 AM or after, considering some people have to then.

I might just save my money now, not even get a TV.


I have 2 Instagrams, now.


Instagram (New Post)

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Good night!...

Another successful day!

Getting better.


I decided to just take violin lessons for now..

I go to the gym.

I want to use the restroom, but I just took a walk and showered and want to sit down, though I went.

I just want to save, save money.

I might need to be stronger to be a real florist.  Another good reason to wait, other than money.

I sleep well and easily when I want to now sorta.

I wanted to go somewhere for July 4th.

I wonder if I will go to the mall by the end of July.  Snacks.  Buy something or so.

When I get pretty and fit, I may just submit my photos to a talent agency here.

I wonder if there's anything good to do in Hollywood on your time.  I know the modeling maybe, maybe I will sell my book? but it's intimidating. Especially if poor.  You have to pay to model and I don't know if you get more back in the end.

I could save up more money and wait if I want to get floristry certificate so much til later.

My mom was the florist at Albertson's in Saint Augustine, Florida, but she didn't have to get certified.

I want to sell at a place, like that.  The class, you can open your own shop, but that's the reason, that and to work like most people, as opposed to selling jewelry.  I also considered makeup in a store.

I don't feel awake enough or whatever for mass, yet.

I signed up for yoga tomorrow but will miss mass.  I wonder if I should go today.

You get a certificate.

It's a big thing to me, like my mom, I'm going to be a florist.  Maybe, I can afford an online class in July.  It seems better than skating lessons, now.

I just had lunch and may lie down and take a nap maybe soon.

I just went for a walk, had half an orange, took my pills, and took my vitamins.  I still have some green tea left I am having.  My back is a little tired, so I guess I have to lie down, soon, for a bit.

Friday, June 7, 2024

I have nightmares every night, horrible.

So, Andre Rieu is guarding Ashley my younger girl cousin and Michael my younger brother.

My dad left them in death.  So did my mom who watched over.  They were too young to die.  Don't commit suicide, live to be 100+ in comfortable health..

It's too sweet, the interaction I felt.  Lots of people would celebrate, but it's a private ordeal.  I think Ashley the frisky puppy came out and wagged her tail and Andre Rieu pulled her back in with Michael.

I couldn't believe I bothered my younger brother with a picture of Andre Rieu and now he's mad.

I can't believe he's thinking he can go against him for staying with Ashley and leaving us.

I already figured out he was gonna do this if the people kept attacking him for attacking Andre Rieu.

Goodnight, I'll write a little in my journal again that I will post online, from a book where I post stickers.

The pills are easy to take.. and lovely vitamins

I have fun making overnight oats.  I went for a walk in bad shoes, though, but they're slip on's and comfortable around the house.

My nose is still good even if I'm Chinese even when I was younger but not how I wanted exactly.

Well, I feel better, I threw up that nasty tasteless overnight oats for whatever reason and the spaghetti and meatballs.  I ate too much and produced mucus bubbles and lay down and I gag easily still.  I made it out and to the toilet.  I still have to clean some of it.  :(  I dunno if I should lay down and sleep now.  I don't have to go anywhere.  I can go through the library activity book to see what I want to do this summer.

My idea for lunch next time, which this time I spaghetti and meatballs or whatever.  Beans and rice are like a nutritional power up revitalizing renovating healing health snack.  Well, my next idea for lunch I mean is maybe Triscuits, cold cut deli meats, and cheese from blocks chopped up.  I loved eating this in college.  How could I have known from experience?

I might have like $200 something left, maybe $220 when all is said and done.  I don't want to spend it on anything, though.  I wonder how much money I'll have next month.  I should do my shopping cart for July, Instacart+, big.

Do you tend to want to believe my dad over my younger brother?

I ordered a keyboard stand.  It comes around a week from now.

I don't want to buy anymore food this month but am going to food pantries.

Assuming brunettes are worth it, say girls, do you think they are smarter with brown eyes or blue eyes?

I am not exercising until I eat more.

I'm hungry and making spaghetti and meatballs.

I can exercise in here, but I did open the window.  The windows in the living area are blacked out with paper.

I just realized both Ellen DeGeneres and Tim Burton who are only months apart agewise feature young people, like youth? young adults? riff raff luck?

I'm getting a $75 TV, 24 inches I think, from Wal-Mart, and it comes with the Olympics's channel.  July I guess.  I can put it on my L desk.  I have art and music stuff I can move to my shelf there.  I can put my stuffed animals there, too.  Right now, they are on my shelf and used to be the only thing on it.

Is Vivaldi the Andrew Lloyd Webber of classical music and his The Four Seasons its hit?

I slept a lot recently, I may not sleep.. maybe in the morning unfortunately and I need proper fitting lancets.  I think the store has plenty of those.  I still have some.

I like the nose plug to make my nose appear longer.

"Florida" is shit.

Why are European classical musicians etc. acting like it's the thing to do to say hey life is shit and I live in an ugly apartment and ride a bike?

If I can't even celebrate past societal ways without being invaded somehow now, why should I worry about your concerning other people?

Everyone is looking corny being ushered in to acceptance over me with Baby Boomers..

I have a nose clip on.  I have a pack of some neat ones!!

I'm so glad I didn't shave my hair, I didn't dye it and the products are all so interesting.

Classical musicians can go to Hollywood.  Everyone saved their violin, when they saw what happened.

People look to celebs to have children older with more interest, or to have another, often or sometimes, but not always.  I mean how it turns out.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

I'm cooking beans and grain rice! after my jog down town.


New Log

Blood by Hours

I have a pot and pan set to cook the chicken and broccoli.  I might even make potato chips.

The Road to Hollywood leads to dirt that comes out.  Just something to think about as you make your final preparations.

Tomorrow, lunch is spaghetti.  I guess breakfast will be eggs.  I also have my overnight oats.  Time for a break, but what to do???

I didn't think to thaw my chicken breasts.  Should I have 2?

Well, I unpacked the pots and pans with lids and did 2 jars of overnight oats. It'll be ready after midnight some time, like 2 AM.  I'd like to do all 4.  I wonder what I should have for supper, think I'll have a chicken breast and a fresh carrot for now and squeeze some lemon and sprinkle salt and pepper.  I also have limes, which was gonna be for squeezing on my meat.  I could squeeze it in plain water.  I was gonna get a soda stream.

I'm so happy I'm making Overnight Oats in 32 ounce Mason jars, glass jars with this funny top you put together sorta.  It's cocoa, vanilla, and honey with milk and oats.

I have some things in the kitchen to sort and throw out.

I put up my clothes.  Now, I just have stuff on the floor to get to and some dirty clothes there too, laundry to get to some of it.  A little more mail I found to throw out after I go through it.  Pretty much.  I need a break.

I know why I'm poorer than my parents, mixed race.

Medicine makes you tired, hard to read, put you to work, put you on Social Security so you don't have to work as much as other people.

I'm unpacking still, taking breaks.

I got a $4+ big meat pizza.

Ashley may not be Joni's fault, but I'm sorry to say she's not our responsibility for Joni's sorrows.

If you become a classical musician, are you suddenly too busy for social media?  I want to make it my life.

How can I "enjoy myself" when everyone is telling me I'm old, both younger and older?

I just took my vitamins!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Can we just do something other than hide behind the war of classical music and violinists?

I can prove a time when Andre realizes what he's doing to his orchestra.  He must be giving a party to play for his hometown for a whole month, but I don't think they care hardly at all nor upfront.

It's "none of my concern," but I proved Andre Rieu copies "Ashley."  If he copies us both simultaneously sometimes, why are we even connected?

What needs to change.

We're just spending time not on saying yea famous people can do Christina and others like her but how annoyed they are at others.

What to do next?

I'm looking for people.  😡

I wouldn't "rush" to Hollywood, no one is there for you.

It's like they made a healthcare field that went in the bathroom and closed the stall after it decided not to play in an orchestra after sitting with their fat hairy ass in band all day every day while everyone else suffered who waited to play violin or something.

The healthcare field has this slapstick and unhealthy attitude, as well.  People are too gullible to believe that healthcare is the only real thing that matters, since everything else is to do with eating food and meeting needs in life, like the blacksmith (metal worker) and the carpenter.

The healthcare field seems to feel it is different from others and also "special."  Why?  Because they will never tell you the whole truth in words.  They just, instead, look forlornly about prescribing medicines that are more "optional."  They won't tell you like how important it is not to skip one dose of insulin because *you might just skip* regularly.  For instance, I told them I needed my insulin and pills when I go home, and I didn't get told anything like that.  When a nurse was out, not often, they never said anything, neither, like it was cute to be silent and seemed not to want me to feel okay about answering.  When you see a free dietitian, for a maybe either brief meet or maybe a separate visit possibly though, they won't tell you how to eat your sugars and assume everyone is telling you not to eat any at all, for best possible results, like this is the end for you.

I put my groceries away, barely everything fit with the thawing turkey.

For lunch, instead of sandwiches, I'm having spaghetti and meatballs.

Paranoid, I still feel haunted that people think I deserve bad things... and I'm on my own with diabetes.

I took out the trash, then paid rent.  I just have to go through and throw out old mail and some other things, do my laundry > throw out some stuff, wash clothes, wash bedding.  I'm good to go!

Extra expenses were the canned soup in the nursing home for $36 and the arts and crafts for $36 to improve my mind.  I almost got more.  I spent more I guess on healthy groceries?  Some things are a little more expensive, like cocoa powder which will last a long time.  I got fresh jars, too.  The old ones sat for 1/2 year and must have a stench.

So Happy

I got my laptop plugged in, and I got my speaker connected to Blu Tooth.

People don't seem to get how bad it was I was in the nursing home, but of course I shouldn't be there is the real mentality.

Time still went by when I was gone.  Christmas came and went, apparently.  It's been 1/2 year since and next Christmas's planning is already upon me.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

I can dance at a regular dance studio in a generic dance class for adults Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.  The ballet school has its adult class on Fridays.  Sounds good so far.  I have a gym pass, maybe for the morning.

I want to dance and guess I will teach myself figure skating, too.

Well, that's okay.

Wen is great hair cleanser.  You can get a huge vat of it for like $150+.  That might be like $50 or under a bottle normally.  Well I forget it could have been much less for the smallest size..

Maybe, someday?

I can't afford a ferret.  I want to do other things.


I edited that photo again.


I updated one picture.

I added 3 pictures of me on the left side of this blog.

Do you think I can get a ferret by next year?

Just had lunch and waiting to go.

I'm gonna set up a ferret cage as I save money for it.

You can even attach tunnels to the cage.


1. Order DoorDash this afternoon.
2. Order Instacart+.
3. Tomorrow, go to church food pantry.
4. Make sure to sort out my finances.

Also, I need to order pots and pans, baking sheets, and a spatula.

A firetruck with a smaller one just pulled in.

I'm all packed and ready to go!

"Always Look on the Bright Side of Life!"

I do like all these colors for different things.  This is a Flapper costume.  Imagine being from Florida and going from pink to black.

Why not say this about me being from Florida and moving to New Orleans rather than all this about my blood isn't from the European South, in the US?

She looks good.

Lovely Dance Outfit

This dance outfit is so nice, it's for Latin dancing and it's $639.00.


I have links about having a baby and dating on the top left side of this blog.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Next stop: gym.  Next: modeling at talent agency.  Then: dating sites.

I want to focus on modeling and acting and then have kids along the way.

Oh, I'm going to the gym to bring down my A1C and maybe working when I'm better.

I think I'm gonna go to driving school, when I'm better.

I don't want the MP3 player, I'm using my gym pass.

Remember dance at least next month?  Tuition may be like $75/month?

Inventing kitchen gadgets sounds like my farming side of the family.

I might get the cheapest MP3 player on that has internet, so I can load my songs on there without risking my cheap laptop being incompatible.  Expensive computers are compatible with little dinky gadgets.  The MP3 player with internet I'm getting is $41.27.


So, when I jog and especially walk I will go longer listening to music.  I need to get back in shape.  In Orlando, it wasn't even really enough to jog 1/2 hour most days and walk 2 hours or more in a day.  I would walk 2 hours at one time often, it seemed, and of course I was often or usually wanting to listen to music.

I jogged and walked for 1/2 hour, without sunblock.  I always wear it usually, but I was in a choke-like experience for a first kind of time.  I didn't try to gag but hiccuped like 2 times.

Nursing Home

Nursing Home?

I exercised this morning with the seniors and just used the step machine in the physical therapy room, as I said I was doing!



All These Crumbs

Andre is happy conducting.

The girls of the orchestra are very competitive, but it's okay anyway because Andre loves them so much. "It's a vicious cycle."

Crystal is a normal person and is trapped. She gets the leftovers, the dirt, of society.

I'm gonna go to the physical therapy room.

So, I exercised this morning in the nursing home with the other residents.

It's just called an adult dance class, must have everything.  It's a great dance school, like Galloway's.

I found a school for dance.  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, for about an hour.  I can wear fancy dance outfits, not too expensive / necessarily.

I might take dance instead of figure skate? for now.


Yay!  People are excited about 5 days in good ole Germany!  Andre Rieu's music group.



Crystal's Employment Enjoyment

Andre referred Crystal to work at "the ice den" as suggested by Joanna, a lady who flirts with Andre.

There she was selling hot dogs.

She had been interested in figure skating herself and went there alone after work and skated every day that week.

She came home with 2 days off Sunday and Monday. She shook her snow globe fervently.

I'm gonna use natural eye drops, Bio True which I use for contacts.  It will relieve stress, strengthen the color, and make my eyes glow blue.

I'll order it as Subscribe and Save when I get my credit card at home.


Right Side of Blog

things you need to do


Sunday, June 2, 2024

"A Sight for Sore Eyes"

I'm craving home and spaghetti and meatballs.

I'm not really sure.... but, I think, I prefer chicken (or beef) bullion cubes to meat stock.

Another idea is to have a big bag you can pack if you need of canned food etc. and the beans and rice and stuff I guess, maybe a cooler.  You can have a backpack, too, with food for emergencies, maybe like space food or military food.  Also, things for on the go that aren't life threatening.

Good survival health food is soup made of a lot of beans.  You can add vegetable stock.  If you have, you can throw in vegetables to strengthen/enhance the flavor, maybe chop them up small or take them out when done soaking in the hot stock.  Church food pantries give out beans and rice to just anyone, throw it in the cellar.

I got vegetable stock on my list to make bean soup.  I can throw in vegetables as I go to strengthen the broth if I have some.  The church food pantries give beans, a lot.

Before You Die

What's with the thinking that you have to move to Florida for a certain kind of dreamy and contemporary times life?


Online Quizzes

Right Side of Blog - "My Stuff"

Grocery Review

I forgot 1 thing I got.


1- ingredients of 6 cheese pizzas
2- ingredients of tacos with most ground meat packed
3- 2 large packs of chicken thighs (more than whole chickens) w/peanut butter and coconut cream
4- lots of angel hair spaghetti and meatballs
5- jalapeno cream cheese poppers
6- macaroni and tuna fish
7- egg salad

Church Food Pantries (w/Bus Pass)

Game Plan

I bought a "friendship bracelet maker" to pass the time, so the last steps before moving home are a better one.

I was thinking of jazz trumpet for Christmas, but I think I will get all snazzy and jazzy and do pop Christmas at a both in the library or guitar center.

I wonder if I'll beat Andre Rieu with a Christmas "plan."  Jazzy trumpet certain Christmas carols...

Like "The First Noel."

I just decided I like the trumpet for jazz.


I didn't think I could get approximately a month's worth of food and not just backup canned food all in one Instacart+ order.


It was very good.

They seem well.

June Food $180


1. Ingredients for 6 Pizzas

2. Largest Taco Meat Pack to Freeze

3. More Chicken Than 2 Chickens (w/Peanut Butter and Coconut)

4. Lots of Angel Hair Spaghetti and Frozen Meatballs With the Sauce and Parmesan


1. Egg Salad

2. Macaroni and Tuna

3. 2 Packs of Hot Dogs and Buns

To My Friends on Facebook Etc.


I just realized helicopters look like bee's and buzz like them, too.  Birds look like planes, I just realized.

Online Church

I'm watching church here this morning.


Nice House

It reminds me of my aunt Barb's.

Did you know...

...My blood sugar stayed well below 200 and once 200 tested 4x a day when I felt so good about buying all the pillows and the lazy chair?  8 king pillows and a king comforter.  I slept well that night.  It was like 170 or 180.  That's a big difference than usual and all day.  I did eat well, too, in a way.

Stocking Up

I think I'm getting enough food for the month for like $180.

- ingredients to make 6 pizzas

- largest amount of taco meat

- more chicken than a whole chicken

- lots of angel hair spaghetti


At least, I'm going home, Tuesday!  I can't wait!  I'm getting 8 King size pillows for my bed and a King size comforter, and a lazy chair.

Feeling Blank

Are you used to socializing at school?  I'm sure you still have your parents and other family.  I don't.

I feel a bad reaction right now, I finished a painting in less than 1 day, and I posted it on film|boards and Facebook, and I have a feeling of bad interception, like I can't walk up to a stranger and have them turn a glance, like a stone statue.  I can't depend on people cuz they don't care about me if I'm not superwoman form my past yet.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

"I'm so happy!"

I'm so happy I reduced my budget by basically subtracting breakfast foods etc. that seems to last about a month and from almost $200 to maybe under $150.  It's sandwiches for lunch of mainly vegetables, a tomato wrap, and also cheese, red wine vinegar, and oil, like Subway.  There can be like 6 pizzas.  Tacos, the largest size of meat.  And more chicken thighs than a whole chicken's worth with it's natural peanut butter and coconut cream.  Just too bad I have to fry on the stovetop and not get a deep fryer..  So, what's that a week of pizza nights, and at least a week of tacos and chicken?

Also, I'm getting church food pantry food.  Some is neat.  It'll be plenty of pasta and tomato sauce, beans and rice.  Probably grits, as well.  Maybe some fruit.  Who knows.  Meat.  Like I've said recently, I'll have my rolling duffel bag.

Of course, there are still things at home that are probably many not spoiled.

So, look at it, this way.

"Count your blessings."

I'm getting out of being hospitalized.

Emma Kok

Do you know many young people who sing as good as she sings, in this video?

June > July > August > September

June > I bought nice things for my bed and the chair.

July > start figure skating

--- I can't buy a hamster, not enough money to make it comfortable and space. ---

I guess in August I can buy a TV to watch the Olympics which start near the end of July.

September > adult dance classes

I have 2 gym passes.


Well, I had my bowl of mostly bean soup, black beans, got lots of protein and over twice as much fiber. It has a good amount of barley, as well.

Strange Healing? Not Really

It's strange that, in a matter of a few days eating heavy bean soup and a few days before eating another bean soup, my foot that made me come to be hospitalized for 1/2 year has healed.


I got up and wasn't prone to falling back asleep.

"Sad to Say"

I'm taking another nap, I think.  I don't want another dream where a boar that turns into a killed disgusting pink pig tries to have *** with me, well, ambush me.

Apple :)

I just had an apple and feel good.

Gardening - I Wonder

I find it strange I don't have "a burning desire" to plant 1 certain food in my apartment.

Maybe, I could plant tomatos for pizza.  I chose sweet seeds, Datterini tomatos.

I guess I can also grow garlic to sprinkle on the crust/bread and probably cheese.

Maybe, the green peppers, too, and chili peppers.

I'm growing a pizza!


I'm going to take a nap.

I Hope

I really hope I can save money this month, some.

So Happy Today

My blood sugar has been like 250, but this morning it was like 176!

So, I was a little disappointed I bought some activity books to get me through the long weekend before I go home from the nursing home, and I assumed I wouldn't buy much else.  I didn't like it that much, but what I did made me feel better and I plan to do more of some.  I finished 2.  Anyway, it got me to thinking what do I really need? for some reason.  I realized, I do have the internet, but what I really want and need is a place just to lie down or sit down more comfortably.  So, I ordered me a king sized comforter for my twin size bed, 8 pillows and 8 pillowcases, and a lazy chair which I may be able to sit sorta sideways in!  I slept well, "on that note."

I wanted more extra money, but I need a good night's sleep, and that's clear.  Maybe, next I will get ice skates in July.  I also wanted a TV with the Olympics on, but maybe August I will get a TV.  I have to pay to use the rink but here probably can bring my own snacks.


New Page on Side of Blog

Secondary Blog

New Page


I will put it on the side of my blog when it works again.

I'm done with Sun In, it's a nice highlight and I'm not using purple mask.  Interesting?

Oil, Egg, Honey, Milk!

No lemon needed.

It must actually suck to be a Generation Z kid.  I wonder if they're jealous of older generations.

I cleaned my ears and they bled at the end, again, both the last cleaner or 2.